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Welcome to the huntfun members area

Looking for your downloadable hunt?

It is NOT in the members area of the site. You will have received an invoice from us by email with links to your hunt at the bottom of the page. Sometimes these emails end up in your "SPAM" folder particularly if you have a hotmail account. Please check there. If you still cannot find your hunt then please get in touch with us.

After you have completed your treasure hunt...

...'Register' or 'Log in here', to personalise and print out huntfun certificates. Choose either a general 'Winners' certificate or enter the points you scored on your hunt to be awarded a bronze, silver, gold or platinum certificate! You can also access pictures taken at the spot where each answer can be found so if there were any you just couldn't find you can see what it was you were looking for!

Registering is simple and quick, as is logging in! We only ask for minimal information and we won't pass it on to anybody else.

Look out for new things being added to the member's area! If you have any comments or ideas as to what you would like to see here do let us know!