Your Pontefract family and friends GPS treasure hunt will include -
If you get errors relating to location then look at our GUIDE TO TURNING ON LOCATION to find out how to do this.
Brand New: Create your own GPS Treasure Hunt Anywhere! Find Out More.
We have over 240 treasure hunt locations in the UK and some overseas...
Choose from the list below:
GPS hunts are prepared just for you and contain everything you need including an interactive map, clues and the answers, which are checked and marked as you submit them. You will have more than one team competing, just select the number of participants when you order. Your organiser can set the start and finish points and set the countdown clock to finish at their chosen time. You can check how the other teams are getting on at any time as you do the hunt
Buy nowSet your teams free! If you can't find the location you are looking for, or have a particular location in mind, simply use our Map Tool to create your very own Virtual Treasure Hunt from scratch! Simply drag and drop the clue locations to where you would like your teams to find them. As soon as you are happy with your route we will generate your hunt ready for you and your teams to go out and get treasure hunting on your smartphones.
Buy nowPrinted hunt booklets that we send to you, in the post, containing everything you need including a map, directions, clues and the answers. If you order more than one copy you can have the answers on a separate sheet and we include some extra scavenger tasks too. This makes your hunt a bit more competitive as you can hunt in teams and not having the answers in the hunt booklet means there is less temptation to cheat!
Buy nowSomeone has been leaking top secrets about a new weapon that could wipe out global communication systems.
Agent Blond is on the case. He's in a race against time as he tries to track down the enemy spy and discover the secret code which will disarm the weapon before it's sold on the black market.
Teams will need to figure out cryptic clues, break codes, answer vexing questions and perform surveillance. Our spy hunt combines logical thinking, strategic planning, general knowledge, team work and plenty of fun.
A martini, shaken not stirred, might be in order should you achieve your mission....
Arr arr me hearties! You're in for a swashbuckling adventure.
Sir Thomas Whetstone has fallen from the heights of a naval officer to become a common pirate, wanted by the authorities. His single-minded focus in on finding the missing Pearls of Panama. Can you find them before he or any other pirates do?
In this pirate treasure hunt, teams will be reading maps, solving cryptic clues and showing off both their general and pirate knowledge. It'll test their strategic thinking, creativity, team work and flair for the dramatic. Most importantly, they'll have swashbuckling good time.
Will your team walk the plank or celebrate with a barrel of rum?
Grab your Magic Wand and Broomstick!
It's time to team up with your favourite Sorcerers from books, film and TV
Test your knowledge on spells and potions, see which of you has what it takes to be the next Gandalf, Merlin or Dumbledore!
Curse your friends, Hex your enemies, find all the clues, solve all the (tom) Riddles and save the day from the Dark Necromancer.
In this Witches and Wizards themed hunt you will be quizzed on all things magical from Books, Films and TV.
Not for Muggles
80s nostalgia.
Oh how we LOVE the 80s tight jeans and big BIG hair.
Jelly shoes and leg warmers REALLY? what DID we wear!!
Have some fun on our treasure hunt the music, toys, films, style.
Collecting points and remembering the 80s for a while!
In our fab 80s retro treasure hunt, teams will be locating and solving clues and completing fun tasks bringing all those memories of the 80s back to life with a bang!
Teams will need their wits about them to be the winning team!
Strategic planning, lateral thinking, team work and creativeness will pop the extra points with ease. (no need for space dust!) Most importantly, teams will have neon coloured, Wham Bam good time.
So many legends so many sports just how much do you know?
Compete in our sporty treasure hunt be the winning team
Get your teams ready on the starting line and set them off racing against each other and the clock on our sporty treasure hunt!
Using strategic planning, creative and lateral thinking and team work, teams will be competing to be the winning team collecting points for successfully locating and solving clues and completing fun tasks.
There is something for everyone in our sporting treasure hunt. Who will cross the finish line first, which will be the winning team...on your marks...get set...........go on order a sporting treasure hunt today.
The Mad Scientist has chosen you to become part of their next great experiment.
Working with your team of Lab Partners you need all your scientific knowledge to win the day
Using your high-tech GPS device you must solve as many scientific problems as you can to help the Mad Scientist make their new discovery.
Answer questions on biology, chemistry, physics and engineering.
Ready or not, Eureka here we come!
Spring is here and the Easter Bunny has hidden trivia treats for you all to find!
Use your map to hop along the treasure trail to uncover fun pieces of Easter trivia,
complete photo tasks and solve clues.
Each question will earn you points if you get it right! but no points if you get it wrong,
the team with the most points will be the winner and the losers will have egg on their face!
The night is dark and the goblins are out, the witches and black cats are prowling about.
Costumed creatures the strangest I've seen,are knocking on doors because it's Halloween!
In our fun spooky Halloween hunt, teams will be locating and solving clues and completing fun tasks with a Halloween twist.
Correct answers and completed tasks will earn 'Treats' but get them wrong and get no points 'Trick'.
Don�t be too spooked and have your wits about you in the race to be the winning team! Strategic planning, team work and creativeness will get those 'treats' with ease.
Ho, ho, ho! Christmas is coming but the tree is still bare.
It needs to be decorated before St Nick gets there.
The elves are making toys at maximum speed.
They can't help, you must take the lead.
Using GPS, with your team you must race
To find hidden clues dotted all over the place.
Each clue earns a bauble to put upon the tree
Get the most baubles, the winner you will be.
With team work, brains and a good dose of fun
You'll be having an egg-nog before the other teams are done.
Using iphones, ipads or Android touch screen phone/tablets as your tools, navigate your way to the 'huntfun hotspots' to reveal a clue or challenge. Once completed submit the answer and navigate to the next ’huntfun hotspot’! The clock is ticking too so you are not just competing against the other teams you have to beat the clock too!
The aim, of our Pontefract family and friends GPS treasure hunt, is to score as many ’points’ as possible in the allocated time having loads of fun on the way.
Have a look at our SAMPLE GPS HUNT to see what it looks like. If you are thinking of purchasing a Self Managed version do try on each device you will be using to to check compatability.
If you get errors relating to location then look at our GUIDE TO TURNING ON LOCATION to find out how to do this.
If you have any problems then see our Frequently Asked Questions
Just wanted to say, we really enjoyed the treasure hunt we did in Durham as a family ........A thoro...
More...Our fully-interactive Pontefract Family and Friends GPS treasure hunt is the perfect activity for families and friends looking for something to do either in their home town or city or when visiting somewhere new. A great way to get everybody out in the fresh air for a few hours, exploring the streets and having fun with a bit of good old competitiveness thrown in too!
We send you everything you need to do your GPS treasure hunt including full instructions so you can personalise and set up the hunt ready for use. Choose the length of hunt that's right for you (1 hour 1 1/2hours 2 hours) You will receive links for each of the teams competing (you need at least 3 participants, and we recommend no more than 4, in a team) and links to print out the handouts needed.
Each team will need a fully charged device to run the GPS hunt on, this can be an android device or iphone/ipads and a printed copy of the ’help’sheet.
You can decide your start and finish locations and how long the teams have to complete the hunt.
There is an option to add pub and/or cafe clues. (If you are going to stop for refreshments or even lunch ensure this is factored in when the hunt timer is set).
Select your Attack and Defence, or choose the peaceful option!
Answers are marked real time so teams can see how they and competing teams are doing as they go and you can check the scores at the end and announce the winning team.
Some of the clues will be based on things around the area you are hunting in, some will be based on the theme you choose and some we have thrown in just for the fun of it! We are always looking at new themes so do keep coming back as new themes will be available soon.
This Optional free feature allows you to interact with nearby teams! You can now choose to virtually defend yourself against spying opponents.
Pick up a pie or a pistol during your hunt and use it to take out your enemies for extra points, you can also defend yourself and your points using umbrellas or bullet proof vests.
The Competition Just Got Fierce .
Setting off from the start point chosen, you and your friends and family set off in teams and navigate yourselves to the ’huntfun hotspots’ where challenges including clues to answer and tasks and activities to be completed can be accessed.
You will be awarded ’points’ for correctly completing the challenges set.
Scores are calculated real time so you are able to see how you and the other teams hunting with you are doing at any time.
The aim of our GPS treasure hunt is to gain as many ’points’ as possible in the allocated time.
You will earn bonus ’points’ for getting to the finish early and penalties will be incurred if you are late!
Strategy and team work are key in planning your route carefully to ensure you get as many ’points’ as possible. If you access a hint only half the ’points’ available will be awarded!
Copyright Huntfun Limited All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers. The compiler of this Treasure Hunt accepts no responsibility or liability for any claim, loss, damage, injury or inconvenience whatsoever however sustained or caused as a result of using this Treasure Hunt. By taking part in the Treasure Hunt you and anyone accompanying you agrees to do so entirely at your own risk.